![]() | Famous Guitarmaker Internet World Headquarters Online Catalog FAQs |
Do you sell everything a music store sells?
No, of course not! We don't sell cloisonne guitar picks, or imprinted coffee mugs, or any of the thousands of trinkets found in most music stores. We specialize in performance quality equipment and accessories for the working musician.
How does the Catalog Work?
Well, we have categories of course for certain types of items, let's say, an amplifier... then we sub-categorize items... transducers, for instance. We introduce the items with "thumbnail" (small) images and some descriptive text, then link the thumbnail image to a specific product page where we list specs, details, etc., and the manufactured suggested retail price.
Do you have "special prices" or "deals" on the items you display?
Yes! Though we only list retail prices on our online pages, we do sell our products at a special "online order" price. If you would like to receive a list of our online prices, e-mail us a request, and we'll happily supply you with one.
Do we have to "order online" to receive the "special pricing?"
Sheesh! Of course! That's why we call it an online catalog! Your order is submitted electronically, directly to the manufacturer, and payment is processed electronically as well, resulting in very low overhead for us... and great prices for you!!
Isn't it foolish to order online, I mean, what if someone 'gets' our credit card number?
We use special secure software for all of our credit card transactions online, thus there is no more risk than if you were to purchase goods from a typical mail order location. We will accept telephone transmittals of the order information if you feel more comfortable that way. Give us a call between 10 am and 12 noon Eastern Standard Time. We'll be happy to take your order personally.
How long does it take to receive my purchase if I order online?
Goods in stock will be shipped within hours of receiving the order. Back orders are shipped as soon as they are available.
How do you ship?
We use FEDEX and UPS... and sometimes truck freight. It depends on the size and weight of the order as well as the customer's preferences.
Do you accept special orders?
Everything we sell is a special order! Some items such as custom cases or cables require additional information to process... We have special online forms for these items. Thus, custom fitted instrument cases and special cable configurations are our pleasure to provide.
Do you sell strings too?
Yes! We sell all major brands of strings, but we only supply them in box lots (typically 10 to 12 sets in a box or 5 or 6 sets a box for bass guitar, depending on the manufacturer). We also sell our house brand "Famous Guitarmaker Brand" strings. They are manufactured just for us by a famous maker. A finer string cannot be found anywhere... and they are an unbeatable price too!! They are available from the Supply Room.
What about things that are not in the catalog? Can you get those for us too?
We occasionally supply goods not listed in the catalog. Contact Gitarmkr@CyboZone with your request... We'll e-mail the price and availability to you.
Do you endorse the products you display online? Do you back them up with a guarantee?
Yep... If you see it here it's Guaranteed. Typically by the manufacturer, but we stand behind everything we sell.
Your selection seems limited... how come?
It is a limited selection... We picked the items we feel are the best buy for the money. Additional items will be incorporated into the online catalog, but it takes time to scan and program the pages... Be patient while we build the site and your patience will be rewarded with great service and killer prices! We'll try to have something new every week or so.
Do you ever have special sales?
Yep! One day each month we will showcase one item for sale at a "famous" price... buy then and save!!!$$$
What about the instrument making supplies you sell, are they good quality?
Yes, of course. Professional quality is all we sell... one piece at a time or bulk purchases, every order will be carefully selected. E-mail us a description of the features you favor and we will try to accommodate your request.
Do you have discounts for professional builders or repair people?
Yes. Professionals are given discounts proportional to their annual purchases. For more information about the ProShop Discounts e-mail your requests to Gitarmkr@CyboZone.
So, what's the best way to get started?
Go to the Hardware Depot or the Supply Room and select the types of products you are seeking to purchase. Locate the image of the item you need and click on the image. This will link you to the product page specifically for that item. Note the product name, order number and price of each item you wish to order at this time.
Since we offer great discounts, you will not be ordering just yet... Now... E-mail us to get the "best price" then after we e-mail you back with the "best price" you then can fill out our online order form, with prices and quantities, total the bill, add the shipping and handling charges. Submit your order. . . . What could be easier
Famous Guitarmaker Internet World Headquarters, http://www.cybozone.com/fg site maintained by cyboboy@cybozone.com