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While instrument builders may feel that they are members of an exclusive society that is somehow granted immunity from the need to preserve our precious tropical hardwood resources, logic would indicate the contrary. For without immediate and conscientious efforts to preserve the rain forests they are by default contributing to the ultimate extinction of the human species.
A handful of leading edge builders have tackled the daunting task of developing alternatives to the use of our precious hardwood resources using space age technology and an old world approach to craftsmanship they are doing what they can to preserve our craft and our rain forest as well. We are pleased to introduce you to one such firm. . . .
RainSong Graphite Guitars
Nikki with a RainSong Guitar

Nikki with the RainSong Jazz Guitar, on a bed of Jacaranda blossoms.

Please continue for more information about RainSong Graphite Guitars.

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